User Management : Access Modules

Access Modules

An Access Module is a joint set of functionality. An Access Module can be licensed, e.g. Workstation. An Access Module can also contain items that can be separately access controlled, i.e. the Statistics Access Module.

Privilege levels

Users in Orchestra have non-visible privilege levels.
A User is not able to perform any actions on a User that has the same or higher privilege level than the User in question. In the same way, a User is not able to perform any actions (edit, remove, assign) on a Role or Module with the same or higher level than that of the User in question.


A system administrator can not:
Add super administrator privilege to himself
Assign a system administrator Role to a colleague
Create a Role with the system Administrator Module
Remove the system administrator Role from another User.
Remove the system administrator Role from himself.

Branch Agnosticism

By default, Orchestra is set up so that if a user is assigned an application that is Branch agnostic, the user will see all Branches, even if all the other assigned applications are Branch aware.
So, for example, if the user has access to both the Counter Workstation (Branch aware) and the Central Operations Panel (Branch agnostic), the user will see all available Branches in the Counter Workstation.
If you want to change this default behavior, you need to set the branch_app variable to true/false for the used application(s), in the applications table, accordingly.