Booking logic
How does the resource selection and presentation of available dates/timeslots actually work?
The default behaviour of the Calendar Booking Logic is to use a fill-resource-to-threshold logic which works in the following way:
Given that you have three Resources for a given Branch and Service and these three are bookable etc, the system will fill them one by one until a set percentage of the time slots of that Resource has been booked.
Consider the following example:
• Calendar Capacity Day Monday, 09:00-10:00.
• Booking interval 10 minutes.
• The Service duration is 10 minutes.
That gives 6 bookable slots per Resource and day. The system returns bookable timeslots for Resource(s) that are:
• Booked above the threshold %
• The Resource with the highest booked % below the threshold.
With a 75% threshold:
• If no Appointments are booked for the given day, the first Resource's slots will be displayed, e.g: 09:00,10,20,30,40,50.
• Two slots are booked, let's say 09:20 and 09:50. 2 of 6 slots are occupied (33%) and the four remaining slots of that Resource will thus be displayed: 09:00,10,30,40.
• Three more slots are booked, let's say 10,30,40. That leaves only the slot at 09:00 free. This means Resource 1 has 5 of 6 slots booked (83%) and the system will open up Resource 2's slots as well. E.g. 6 slots will be displayed: 09:00,10,20,30,40,50.
• If the next booking is for 09:00, which is free at both Resource 1 and 2, the Resource with the highest booking % will be selected. In this case, Resource 1.
• After the last booking, there are still 6 slots available. Resource 3 will not be made bookable until Resource 2 has > 75% (5 of 6) slots booked.