Cache Settings
There are rest calls that make sure that the mondrian (Analyzer) cache is cleared.
The settings for this can be found in the Business Intelligence application, in the Administration menu:
Here, you should enter the User Name and Password for the Admin user. We suggest that you create a specific user for this in Orchestra and then use it here. The image above shows an example.
You can also update the Cron Expression parameters for each schema (by default Live and Qmatic), here. This defines the frequency of the cache clearance.
After you have updated the Cron Expressions, click Save Configuration. At the bottom of the screen a message will appear telling you that the configurations were successfully saved and when the next runtimes are.
Delete Generated Files on Preference
The scheduling script described above may cause your system’s CPU load to spike, as well as a large amount of schedule report files to be stored in your user folder. This can be avoided by following the steps below:
1. In the Administration page, in the Home menu, click on Settings:
2. Click on Schedule Deletion. The Edit Schedule window will be opened:
In this window, you can set how often and at what time you want the reports and contents which are generated by schedules to be deleted.