Adding new Canned Reports
If you want to add Canned Reports of your own, follow these steps:
1. Select Browse Files and browse to the folder where you want to place the report(s).
2. In the Folder Actions panel, to the right, click Upload.
3. Browse for and select the wanted report files (usually a file with extension .prpt as well a file with extension .properties).
Note: It is also possible to upload a whole bunch of Canned Reports, at the same time, by uploading a zip-file containing the reports.
An alternative way to add new Canned reports is to place the report files (usually a file with extension .prpt as well a file with extension .properties), in the following directory:
<install directory>/system/pentaho-solutions/qmaticbi/Canned Reports
Note: Log into Business Intelligence as superadmin and run Tools->Refresh->Reporting Data Cache to make your added Canned Report visible in the Business Intelligence GUI. (This applies whenever adding any new content, such as reports, to the Business Intelligence file system.)