Connect : Getting Started With Connect

Getting Started With Connect

The following section describes how to get started using Connect.


The app needs to be downloaded from App Store or Google Play and installed.
To easily find the app, please search for either Qmatic, or Orchestra Connect Agent.
After installation, follow these steps:

Unit Types

1. In the System Administration application, add the wanted Connect Unit Type(s), depending on what kind of display(s) you want to use in connection with your Connect. Also, add the Connect Notification Unit Type, if you want to use iOS notifications.
2. When you have added the Unit Type(s), check their configuration. For more information about the Unit Types, please see the Standard Unit Types Guide, found on Qmatic World.
3. In the Business Configuration application, add the wanted Connect Unit Type(s) to your Equipment Profile.
4. Configure the Unit Types, in your Equipment Profile. On this level, there are quite a few settings that can be configured. For example, you can enable Delivered Services, and Outcomes, if you use them in your system. You can decide whether or not it should be possible to transfer to Staff and Counter Pools, if the called number should be displayed in full screen automatically, and so on. When done, make sure that you Save your Equipment Profile.
For more information about the Unit Types, please see the Standard Unit Types Guide, found on Qmatic World.
5. Next, configure the Unit Type(s) for each of your Branch(es). On Branch level, you for example decide if the Queues view, Waiting summary view, Transfer Button and Note View should be available. Make sure that you Save and Publish each Branch when done!
For more information about the Unit Types, please see the Standard Unit Types Guide, found on Qmatic World. Users and Roles
6. In the User Management application, select the ConnectCounter Role for the User(s) that will be using Connect.
Now you are ready to start using Connect. For more information, please see the sections below.