Upgrade : Introduction


This chapter describes the prerequisites, dependencies and recommended methodology on how to upgrade both Orchestra Central system, Business Intelligence, and distributed Queue Agents, as well as detailed descriptions of the upgrade scenarios.
We recommend that you read the Upgrade Note sections below, the section “Upgrade Methodology” , as well as the Release Notes, before the Upgrade process is started.

Upgrade Note - Undeploying Jiql.war

If you experience problems that the Upgrade gets stuck when undeploying jiql.war, please follow these steps to work around these problems:
1. Open the Wildfly Admin console (http://localhost:9990, username: admin, password: ulan).
2. Go to Deployments and select jiql.war. Click En/Disable and then Confirm.
3. Run the Upgrade again.

Upgrade Note - Stat Aggregation Jobs are Active

If you experience problems that Upgrade gets stuck with error message "Stat aggregation jobs are active", you need to wait until the jobs are done and try again.
For more information about controlling Stat aggregation jobs, see Stat REST API in the connector SDK.

Stat Standalone

The upgrade will try to check if aggregation jobs are running on http://localhost:8080. If this fails, the upgrade will be aborted.
If this happens, please run the tests manually. Instructions can be found in the Stat REST API. Then change the application.stat.aggregation.check flag to false in the install.properties file, so that the upgrade will skip the tests. Run the upgrade again.

Upgrade Note - Enabling Auditing

For instructions on how to enable auditing when upgrading, please see “Upgrade” .

Upgrade Note - Blocking Websocket Port

If running a distributed system with one, or more, distributed Queue Agents, there is a possibility that the connected Queue Agents can cause problems as they reconnect during the upgrade procedure.
To work around this, block the port 8787 on the computer running the central system during upgrade.
This can be done in the Windows Control Panel -> Windows Firewall -> Advanced Settings:
1. Right-click Inbound Rules and select New Rule.
2. Select Port and click Next.
3. Select TCP and specify port 8787. Click Next.
4. Select Block the connection, click Next.
5. Select all available networks and click Next.
6. Give a name to the new rule, e.g. "Orchestra upgrade 8787 block" and click Finish.
Once the upgrade of the central system is complete, the port block must be removed. This is done in the Windows Control Panel -> Windows Firewall -> Advanced Settings.
Select Inbound Rules, right click the rule created (e.g. "Orchestra upgrade 8787 block") and click Delete.

Upgrade Note - Language Files

When upgrading to version 7, or later, or to an Update, there are a couple of things that you need to keep in mind, when it comes to the handling of language files:
The existing language property files will automatically be backed up to the folder upgrade_backup, during upgrade. This way, you can easily restore them, if the encoding somehow fails, during upgrade.
All non-latin characters need to be Unicode-encoded, using the program native2ascii, before the upgrade procedure is initiated. For example the Swedish character Ä should be encoded as \u00C4 and the cyrillic character Ф should be encoded as \u0424. For more information, please see “System GUI, Concierge and Connect” .


If you have made changes to the Connect language properties file, connectCounterMessages.properties, you need to manually add these changes, to the Orchestra 7 properties file, after the upgrade.
Make sure that you translate any strings in the new files that have not yet been translated, if applicable.