Business Intelligence
If you are using Business Intelligence, you need to upgrade Orchestra Central, see
“Orchestra Central” ,
before you upgrade Business Intelligence (unless you are running Business Intelligence standalone).
There are a couple of things to consider, before going ahead with a Business Intelligence upgrade:
• Upgrade directly from Orchestra 5.4 is not supported. You need to upgrade to Orchestra 6.x before upgrading to Orchestra 7.
• Please note that the Upgrade wizard will run all necessary scripts etc for you. There is no need to run any scripts manually, unless specifically stated!
After the upgrade, you may need to edit the QMATIC data source in the following way:
a) Select the QMATIC data source and click the cog wheel icon,
, then
Edit. Existing parameters of the QMATIC data source will be shown.
b) Click on the plus icon,
, and add the following new parameter:
Name: DynamicSchemaProcessor
Value: mondrian.i18n.LocalizingDynamicSchemaProcessor
• Orchestra Central upgrade has been successfully completed.
Start the Orchestra Business Intelligence Upgrade
Follow the steps in the Business Intelligence Installation Wizard:
Updates to shiro.ini - Implementing Single Sign Off
To enable single sign off for Business Intelligence (closing both the Orchestra and the Business Intelligence session at the same time, via the Logout option in the Orchestra top bar), you need to manually update the shiro.ini file on the Orchestra server, located in <orchestra_install_dir>\conf\ in the following ways:
• Add the Business Intelligence logout URL to the orchestratedLogout.logoutUrls section, as in the following example:
#orchestratedLogout.logoutUrls = http://<custom-oauth2-client-server>/custom-oauth2-client/Logout
orchestratedLogout.logoutUrls =
Note that Logout must be written with a capital L!
Updates to shiro.ini - Adding the Business Intelligence Server IP
• Add the Business Intelligence Server IP to the following section:
/qsystem/rest/security/account/** = oauth2, noSessionCreation, ipFilter[,0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]
Example - How to Prevent Faulty Entry:
Update the section above to this:
/qsystem/rest/security/account/** = oauth2, noSessionCreation, ipFilter[,,got-antwin-005]
For the changes to take place, a restart of Orchestra is needed.
Business Intelligence Upgrade - Linux
1. Make sure that Business Intelligence is stopped before you proceed.
2. Transfer the QP_BusinessIntelligence_linux64-<version>.tgz file to the server, preferably to a tmp directory. Use for example scp.
3. Change to a user with superuser rights.
4. Stop Business Intelligence:
/etc/init.d/bi stop
5. Switch to qmatic user:
sudo su - qmatic
6. Unpack Business Intelligence tgz file in a tmp directory:
% cd <directory where file is stored>
% tar zxvf QP_BusinessIntelligence_linux64-<version>.tgz
7. When running the installation script, it is recommended to tail the log file, this is done in a separate window:
% cd /<new_version_install_dir>/logs
% tail -f qp_server.log
8. Run the Installation Wizard, and select the Upgrade option.
% cd /<install_dir>/
If you are running the Installation Wizard on Linux Server, without a graphical interface, then you must first edit the following values in the file:• operation = upgrade
• install.path = <your orchestra install dir>
Then, execute the following command:
% ./ -s
9. Wait until the upgrade has finished.
$ exit
Orchestra Business Intelligence on a Separate Server
If you, in Orchestra 6.x, installed Business Intelligence on a Separate Server and now want to upgrade to Orchestra 7.x, there are a few steps you need to repeat after Orchestra has been upgraded. This is due to the fact that certain files are overwritten, during the upgrade process.
The needed steps are described below:
1. In the file [install dir]/pentaho-solutions/system/, change central.orchestra.url to the url where Orchestra central is running. This requires restart of the Business Intelligence server to take effect.
2. Change how the Business Intelligence server auth system looks up authorizations for authenticated users. Open the following file in a text editor:
[install dir]/pentaho-solutions/system/applicationContext-pentaho-security-shiro.xml
Find the <bean id="shiroClient"> element and uncomment the bold "name" property by removing the enclosing <!- and -> brackets.
<bean id="shiroClient" class="">
<property name="evictTimeMillis" value="7000"/>
<!- <property name="url" value="${security.central.orchestra.url}" /> ->
<property name="securityServiceJndi" value="java:global/qSystem/qp-central-core-ejb/SecurityServiceBean"/>
This change enables authorization lookup to a separate server, in this case the value of the security.central.orchestra.url property defined above in the file.
If you have performed an Update, with Business Intelligence on a separate server, you will need to manually add the Data Sources for Business Intelligence again. This procedure is described in the Administrator’s Guide, found on Qmatic World.
Orchestra Business Intelligence Standalone
When upgrading Business Intelligence that is run on a separate machine, run the upgrade in silent mode, using the command install.bat -s for Windows, or -s for Linux.
If ugrading from Orchestra 6.x, after the upgrade, you need to manually stop and disable the Qmatic Platform service, since it is not used.