Parameter | Description |
Name | Name of the Unit. |
Description | Description of the Unit. |
Template name | Name of the Unit Type Template |
Template version | Version of the Unit Type Template |
Tickets on roll | Number of tickets on roll. Valid values between 1-3000. Default value is 2000. |
Parameter | Description |
Name | Name of the Unit. |
Description | Description of the Unit. |
Type name | Name of the Unit Type. |
Type description | Description of the Unit Type. |
Unit id | Identification code of the Unit. |
Touch Application | Select the wanted Surface Application here. |
Widgets enabled | Check this check box to enable the use of widgets on this touch application. |
Date format on ticket | From the drop-down list, select the wanted date format. Available formats are: YYYY-MM-DD; DD-MM-YY; MM-DD-YY; and Day Month Year. |
Time format on ticket | From the drop-down list, select the wanted time format. Available formats are: HH:MM; HH:MM am/pm; HH:MM:SS; and HH:MM:SS time zone (for example CEST). |
Surface custom parameters | Which custom parameters should be available on the ticket. The following parameters and strings to use in the Surface Editor application are available: • Waiting Customers • Current waiting time • Branch name • Tickets left Mark several of them by holding down Ctrl while clicking on them |
Enable magnetic reader | Check this check box to enable reading magnetic tracks on the card. Default enabled. |
Enable chip reader | Check this check box to enable reading the chip in the card. Default disabled. |
Smart card configuration | Specify which tags and AID:s that should be read. Note: This string must contain a valid JSON object. Default: {"applications":[{"type":"EMV","AID":"A0000000031010","tags":[{"event_parameter_name":"PAN","tag":"5A"},{"event_parameter_name":"CardholderName","tag":"5F20"}]},{"type":"EMV","AID":"A0000000032010","tags":[{"event_parameter_name":"PAN","tag":"5A"}]}]} |
Card Service | From the drop-down list, select which Service should be connected to the swipe card reader. |
Track to validate | From the drop-down list, select track 1, track 2 or track 3 to be used for validation. ![]() |
Start Validation | The first digit that should be used for card validation. |
Validation data | The number that identifies a valid card. Example. If the card we used above was a valid card then 2345 must be specified in Validation data. |
Track 1-3 Mask | Enter the mask for the track that should be validated here. The Card mask X settings specify the data to mask out on the three tracks of a card. These settings apply to all cards. An empty setting is the default setting and no data is masked out. List the bytes that should be set to 0 (=masked out). Examples: Card mask 1: 0-255 = set the complete track to all zeros. Card mask 2: 0-1,6-255 = set all bytes to 0 except bytes 2-5. Card mask 3: empty = no data is masked out. |
Button delay | This is the minimum time that must elapse after a Customer has pressed the button and until the next Customer can get a ticket. Max: 60 seconds. Min: 0 seconds. |
Tickets on roll | Number of tickets on roll. |
Low ticket alarm | The number of tickets in the printer when the alarm is activated. ![]() |
Write card data in QAgent log (debug) | Note that this option may log confidential card data, use with caution! |
Device Controller | From the drop-down list, select which Device Controller should be used. |
Parameter | Description |
Default name | Default name of the Unit. |
Description | Description of the Unit. |
Unit Identifiers | The two columns of the table are: • Name - Name of the unit, by default the name of the unit plus a sequential number, for example WebReception 5 or WebServicePoint 2. Can be changed to anything, so long as the name is unique, within the Branch. • Logic Id - An ID used in the connectors. The Logic Id continues with the next number in the sequence of the auto generated ID's within the Unit Type (e.g. Service Points, Entry Points, or Presentation Points). The number can be changed to anything, in the range of 1-9999, as long as it is unique within the Service Point, Entry Point, or Presentation Point. |
Unit id | Identification code of the Unit. |
IP address | IP address of the ticket printer. |
Touch Application | Name of Touch Application that is used. |
Https allowed | If this check box is not checked (default), URL:s will be rewritten from https to http, if the Queue Agent is set to use https. If the check box is checked, https is allowed and thus no rewrite will be done. |
Widgets enabled | States whether or not the use of widgets is enabled for this touch application. |
Card Service | The Service that is connected to the swipe card reader. |
Start Validation | The first digit that is used for card validation. |
Validation data | The number that identifies a valid card. |
Device Controller | Name of Device Controller that is used. |